Many people know that air pollution is a problem. But what many don’t know is that indoor air pollution is often more problematic than outdoor air pollution.
If you think that you’ll end up saving yourself by staying indoors, you’re mistaken. Especially if you stay home practically 24/7, you need to check your air quality indoors. If it’s harmful to your health, you should do something about it.
Here’s a list of Do-It-Yourself fixes.
1. Don’t Smoke
Cigarettes contain nicotine and nicotine is carcinogenic. Getting cancer is in itself terrifying. And what makes the situation more terrifying is that it could lead to one of the deadliest cancers out there: lung cancer.
If you smoke packs of cigarettes daily, you should consider calling it quits. And if you live with a smoker, you should ask them to do the same. After all, inhaling secondhand smoke is also dangerous.
2. Don’t Use Air Fresheners
Air fresheners make your home smell good, all right. But do you know that they contain more toxic chemicals than cigarettes?
Not many people know this. In fact, some of them would rather dismiss this fact. For all they know, they can smell the air fresheners and they think that this smell improves the air inside their home.
So throw them away. Instead, go with an alternative: essential oils.
3. Check Your Pipes
Especially if you’re using a centralized heating system, you need to know the condition of the pipes that distribute air to the different areas of your home. They need to be well-maintained – no rusty surfaces. Otherwise, they clearly put you in danger by supplying you with toxic air.
You can call a plumber for this. But a simple way to get around to this yourself is to use endoscope cameras. Here’s a StealthyNinjas.com guide to help you out on the subject.
4. Clean
Sweep and mop your floors, use a vacuum cleaner, wipe your cabinets, and more. A dirty house paints an unpleasant picture. And beyond that, it puts you at risk of getting unnecessary substances in your system.
5. Remove Carpets
Carpets are where microorganisms live. To put it bluntly, they serve as the breeding ground of germs.
If you have carpeted floors that you don’t clean regularly, it’s best to get them out. You can go with tiles, instead.
But of course, these carpets can stay if you make it a habit to clean them regularly – daily, if possible. Hot water and soap will do the trick!
6. Wash Your Bed Sheets
Many people let their pets sleep with them. This is a big NO unless your pets are actually bathed before you allow them to jump in bed with you.
Just like carpets, your bed sheets are the breeding ground of bacteria, too. The worst part is, you sleep on them. It means you spend about 8 hours on them without the knowledge that there could be ticks climbing on you.
7. Use a Dehumidifier
A dehumidifier can reduce the humidity levels in your home. You need to reduce humidity levels because high humidity levels make your home livable to different forms of allergens such as mold and mildew.
And if you’re often troubled with skin rashes, stuffy nose, and itchy eyes, a dehumidifier can offer a cure. Another good thing about it is that you can pour in water-based essential oils that will improve air quality. It will make your home smell good, too!
8. Open Windows Everyday
An effortless way to let the dirty air out and bring in the cleaner alternative is to ventilate. Just open your windows for some time, and then close them again. You need to do this every day to refresh your air every day.
9. Kill Mites
Mites are those microscopic organisms that live in your pillows, beddings, and other furniture. The tricky part about it is you can’t see them unless you use a microscope.
You need to kill them because they pollute your air indoors. They also feed on your skin.
10. Place Plants
If you can, place a bounty of them everywhere. With them around, you can breathe much cleaner air.
Peace lilies, spider plants, and Chinese evergreens are just some of the plants that serve as natural air purifiers. Their draw in airborne chemicals and other harmful substances via their leaves and then deposit them in their soil. As a result, they remove VOC or volatile organic compounds such as formaldehyde and nitrogen dioxide.
You can pick a few of these fixes or you can do them all! Either way, you need to act proactively when it comes to getting rid of air pollutants inside your home. After all, air pollution doesn’t just affect your physical health. It messes with your brain, too.
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