Nowadays, more and more jobs can be done remotely. The advances in technology made work more inclusive and comfortable. Whether you’re a single parent, a busy student, or a disabled person – there will always be some work you can do online.
With the emergence of COVID-19, the need for remote workers has grown even more. Many companies switched to a home-office mode. Working online has many advantages: it saves you a lot of time commuting to the office, the money to buy lunches, and paying for public transportation, and it lets you spend more time with the dearest and nearest.
But many people are not happy with being forced to work from home. They say that they are not very productive in a home office and cannot organize themselves. They also add that they lack equipment that was always within arm’s reach. Fortunately, there are some solutions you can implement if you want to work remotely with better efficiency. Here are some tips you need to know:
Communication with other Co-workers
To not feel isolated during your home office, you need to have excellent communication with your co-workers. Sometimes, communication in a team is a must for a productive work process. If the communication is broken because everyone works remotely, the efficiency will be much lower. Presentations are extremely helpful in facilitating remote team communications. Using visually appealing free PowerPoint templates can help create impactful and engaging presentations making for a highly effective tool for remote team communication.
It is great if, in the place where you work, a PBX already exists. The risk that you’ll struggle to contact someone of your co-workers will be very low in this case. If not, you can ask your boss or manager to purchase one. Nowadays, you can even make it online, like on this website https://www.yeastar.com/, and the company will deliver gadgets to every worker individually. Thus, no one has to go to the shop and violate the rules of social distancing.
Don’t Work from Your Bed
What influences your efficiency a lot is the place where you work. It will be challenging to concentrate if you work in your bedroom, lying on a couch, or under your favorite blanket. Learn to distinguish your working hours from the time when you rest, and never mingle the two.
If your house is big enough, consider working in a room which is not someone’s bedroom. It can be a living room or a dining room. You can also reorganize some free space into your private office. It will reduce the temptation of feeling lazy and too relaxed and help you focus on your tasks.
Don’t Turn Your Home Office into a Pajama Party
The clothes that you wear also matters. Many people think that if no one sees them at home, they can wear pajamas, tracksuits, or other comfy outfits. But remember that we dress up not to impress other people, but to feel good about ourselves.
Leave warm and cozy clothes for chilling out in the evening. Consider dressing up in the same way as you would do it going to the office. It will help you draw a clear line between rest and work and, thereby, help you concentrate.
Don’t Let Other Tasks Distract You
We like working from home because we can do so many tasks in the meantime! Laundry, watering plants, preparing dinner, cleaning the bathroom, and finally ordering these shoes for kids – amazing, isn’t it?
But then, we get surprised that our productivity drastically drops, we have to work extra hours and are not capable of doing as many tasks as we used to in the office. While working, your thoughts should be focused on your tasks only. Don’t get distracted on other things. It wastes much more time than you think.
Prepare food for the whole day morning or night before, don’t do it during your work hours. Don’t get distracted on tiding the house, shopping online, or playing with your pet. Going back to a work mode is not as easy as you think, and you risk wasting the whole day by doing other irrelevant things.
Get Organized
An organization always helps to concentrate on your work. Don’t let your working area look messy unless dirty plates and candy wraps inspire you to work. The room where you work should also be tidy. Dedicate a couple of minutes daily to keeping it clean.
The desktop should not be cluttered with files and documents. It would be best if you also sorted them into separate folders, so you always know where to find what you need and don’t have to spend a lot of time digging.
Cut off the Contact With the People Not From Your Work (While Working)
It is tempting to answer phone calls from family members, scroll Instagram, or text on messenger while working from home. Indeed, no one controls you, and you can do anything that you want. But the more time you spend texting or talking with other people, the less productive you become. Turn off your social media notifications, and don’t make calls if it’s not something urgent.
The Bottom Line
Don’t let your home office make your productivity and efficiency drop. Hopefully, these simple tips will make your remote work better. Consider following these pieces of advice, so we can all stay productive even in the times when work from home is inevitable.
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