Even though medical science has progressed enormously, still there are some diseases that do not have any cure. Motor neuron diseases MND/ALS are few such ailments that have no cure. MND is a progressive neurological disorder that attacks the motor neurons, thus fatally affecting the brain and the spinal cord. Eventually, the dysfunctionality in brain and spinal cord fails to send impulses to the muscles through the body. The person then loses his/her ability to move and speak.
This condition lands up as a shock to the patients and the family alike. Samsung has started a new initiative along with ASHA Foundation, an India based NGO for MND/ALS patients. By the new Bixby Voice Forever Initiative, people can preserve their voice and let their family members have the warmth of their voice even when they become unable to speak. In India, more than 50 thousand people are affected with MND.
Bixby is the voice powered digital assistant developed by Samsung.
Samsung has taken a specific case of an MND/ALS affected patient who is on the verge of losing her voice. Samsung is now customizing Bixby for this patient, recording her voice, synthesizing the voice and converting it into the voice of Bixby on a Samsung smartphone.
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