Netmarketshare is a website that draws a statistical analysis of internet browser usage every month and for August 2014, Internet Explorer usage jumped whereas the performance usage of Chrome browser decreased. In July 2014, the usage share of the top three browsers were found to be: Internet Explorer (58.01%), Google Chrome (20.37%), Mozilla Forefox (15.08%). The August report says that both Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox improved their usage with 58.46% and 15.23% respectively. Unexpectedly, Google Chrome usage has decreased from the figure of July to 19.61%.
If you are wondering why anyone would bother about the browser usage, then let me inform you that even if we can download the browsers for free, or some browsers some handy with the OS, but companies earn monumental amount of money from the Internet browsers. At every instant of time, all the net browsers are competing with each other to allure you towards them.
You can understand the scenario better with an example. Suppose, you have Mozilla Firefox browser installed in your computer and you want to set Google as your default search Engine. Google being a different company has to pay enormous money in order to allow it to be the default search engine. So now, considering all the users that have Firefox installed in their machine, you can imagine, what a humongous amount Mozilla incurs from Google. Now if you are thinking why Google pays so much money to Mozilla just to become the default search engine, then I must tell you, searching is the main thing people do with a browser and this searching brings them more and more money from advertisements. The amount Google pays Mozilla is nothing compared to what it earns from being a search engine.
Source: Netmarketshare
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