WhatsApp app for Android has again received a major update and this time you’ll be happy to know that the popular phone messaging app has taken the liberty of users to the next level This update will enable them to mark a particular conversation as unread. So once you mark a conversation as unread, there will be a green oval beside the conversation that would indicate it as unread.
Now there is a twist over here. If you are thinking that WhatsApp has started an easy way to misguide other users then you are wrong. If you read a message of your friend, it will be shown to your friend as read (which is indicated by two blue ticks), even if you have marked your conversation as “Unread”. So what’s the requirement of such a feature. This is required as an alert to remind you which messages you haven’t read.
For e.g you are in a hurry to reach office and you have received many messages from your friends, you can mark them as unread and check it later on. The new WhatsApp feature will be added to your app via an Update. Some more updates will follow soon, one of which is low data usage during WhatsApp calling. So this feature will be welcome definitely.
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