Social media platforms have always been blamed for alleged spying and weak security. Hence Facebook has decided to stand up against this allegation and emerge as the customer’s most favorite social networking site. Facebook thus opened a new security steps that will warn users against state sponsored attacks.
“While we have always taken steps to secure accounts that we believe to have been compromised, we decided to show this additional warning if we have a strong suspicion that an attack could be government-sponsored,” wrote Alex Stamos, chief security officer of Facebook . “We do this because these types of attacks tend to be more advanced and dangerous than others, and we strongly encourage affected people to take the actions necessary to secure all of their online accounts.”
So, if Facebook believes that a user’s account has been hacked by state sponsored hackers, then the most popular social networking site will warn you about the vulnerability and may prompt you to add additional security systems like 2 step authentication methods. Facebook has also clarified that in case of unavoidable security threats, the defective computers will be replaced completely leaving no trace of security threat.
Remember Facebook will display the message only when the social medium himself confirms that your machine has been attacked by State sponsored hackers. Check out the message that would be sent by Facebook itself in case of any discrepancy.
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