Selfie sticks already seem very weird in appearance and to add more to this embarrassment here comes the selfie stick for Macbooks. Nowadays when ever and wherever we travel, we see people spreading out their hands with this huge stick fitted with smartphone and taking selfies. Amid all these people if you manage to get another selfie stick that fits your PC, then you will definitely win the selfie desperation contest.
The Macbook selfie stick is an art project carried out by the makers of Netflix and Chill Room. The project has been materialized and you can see these funny pictures that have already infected the internet badly. If the art project can be conceptualized and utilized on commercial level, then probably you will no more look down your PC as a backdated chunky device!
Once upon a time, Apple CEO Tim Cook made a remark, “I think if you’re looking at a PC, why would you buy a PC anymore? No really, why would you buy one?” We wonder if Tim is surprised now.
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