WhatsApp has added the end-to-end encryption to its application for iOS and Android very recently. The feature enables users to end-to-end encrypt their conversation with their contacts. it seems that Facebook is now going to incorporate this feature in its Messenger mobile app. An alleged Facebook for iOS changelog has been leaked and if the leak is to be trusted, then it includes reference of end-to-end encryption.
The leak has been tweeted by @iOSAppChanges and the changelog includes a plethora of chnges that will be induced to Facebook Messenger app for iOS. Among the new features, end-to-end encryption, “secret chats”. Some other changes includes improvement in privacy settings, the introduction to Facebook comments, “more Touch ID support.”
The tweet says:
Changelogs of Facebook for iOS 55.0 and 56.0 are available now! http://pastebin.com/CuQm7g3J
Since the image is just a screenshot with no strong foundation, it cannot be relied on completely. So we are unsure if these changes are actually making their way towards the Messenger app for iOS.
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