Amazon has announced a new device called Echo Look. The company has perhaps pledged to make you stylish and photogenic in collaboration with its AI assistant Alexa. Echo Look is a bit different compared to the other two devices Echo and Echo Dot. Look comes with a front camera. This camera will serve your purposes of a photographer and you can take your own full length snaps.
As mentioned earlier, Alexa and Echo Look will make you stylish by capturing smart pictures. There will be a companion app with the same name as the Echo Look device. This application will boost your experience with the device and a new service Style Check is “a new service that combines machine learning algorithms with advice from fashion specialists”.
In a nutshell Alexa wants to make you fashionable and beautiful with fashion tips so that you can be more confident. Echo Look renders full support from Alexa in performing a plethora of functions like playmusic, audiobooks, weather forecasts, news briefings, and you can activate any of thousands of third-party skills. Echo Look stands on a standard tripod mount. It’s flexible and therefore can be replaced by any other tripod.
Amazon Echo Look is priced at $199.99 and is available for purchase by invitation only.
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