Microsoft may be gearing up to make a competitor to Google Glass, according to a fresh report, although trivial information on what the product might implicate was supplied. According to reports of The Wall Street Journal, “Microsoft is examining epitomes ...
Just after an elite group of Google search users discovered that for certain web lookups strangely big and unacquainted banner advertisements were coming up on the search results page, the Internet behemoth has presently affirmed it is working on these ...
Advanced Research Japan exacts that Samsung could furnish parts for Apple’s suggested 65-inch TV. Analyst Masahiko Ishino declares that Samsung in all likelihood is prepared to make graphic processing units for the individual units which can range upto US $2,500. ...
The praxis of a company producing wrong Internet remarks on message boards by praising its own products and flapping down others is unluckily turning to be progressively hackneyed. Today, it was disclosed that Samsung had been smashed with a rather ...
Whether you enjoy it or execrate it or you just want to replicate it, it looks like Apple’s brand new gold iPhone 5s has hit its consumers bang on which they are really liking. The availability of all the three ...
PlayStation 4, one of the most hotly-anticipated new gaming consoles of this year, is going to be launched on November 29, 2013. Sony announced the PlayStation 3 in the year of 2006, seven years before. The new PlayStation 4 has ...
Due to increased independence, younger children are now using mobile phones. Even a little over a decade ago it was rare for a pre-teen child to own a mobile phone, but now children as young or younger than ten own ...
Google just came up with another feature in its Gmail – the tabbed interface in its Inbox. With the tabbed interface the regular inbox has been categorized into 5 sections – Primary, Social, Promotions, Updated and Forums. Under the Primary ...
Google public DNS is a DNS service which is provided by Google with a view to improve browsing experience. Domain Name System is abbreviated as DNS and it is a hierarchical distributed naming system for websites, computers and other resources ...
Today when you go for buying a laptop, you will be puzzled by the variety of choices offered to you as the laptop market is growing day-by-day worldwide. But before zeroing on any of them, you need to go through ...
With the rising popularity of the Internet, scams and hoaxes have earned themselves place on various websites and e-mails. And with a popular social networking site such as Facebook, which reaches out to billions of people, it is not uncommon ...
The Finland based mobile start-up Jolla, which comes with the Sailfish OS, is now compatible with the Android OS. The apps and the hardware are able to function successfully on the Android platform resulting a boost in the sales of ...
With the launch of the iPhone 5S, Apple also revealed about its new motion sensing co-processor M7. It is the most awesome feature of the recently launched smartphone. Though the impact of its feature will be revealed only after the ...
Electricity from water is a common phenomenon which most of us are well aware of but have you ever thought of generating electricity from wine? Well, Dr. Genevieve Bell has made this possible. Dr. Bell is an Australian born who ...
In a bid to stand out with its new products, Apple has come up with its new line of color for the iPhone 5S – champagne. The new shade for the recently launched Apple products is said to keep them ...
Microsoft now extends the boundaries for the Xbox Music app after it debuted a year ago. Now it has been made available for both the iOS as well as for the Android users. This app will soon be available at ...
The e-mail services like Gmail, Yahoo and Hotmail may be banned by the Indian government for official use after allegations of cyber spying by the US has been reported. Email service providers such as Gmail has their servers based in ...
Keeping track of 3D printed objects without any bar codes? Yes, this has been made possible by another innovative technology from Microsoft which will embed coded tags in 3D printed objects. This technology will tentatively be called InfraStructs which was ...
In this era of technology it has now become possible even to operate toilets through smartphones. Now you can just automatically flush, release spray and even listen to music through your device in the robotic toilet. For this all you ...
Thought of ever experiencing BlackBerry Messenger (BBM) on non-Blackberry devices? Now you do not need a Blackberry handset to use the BBM. Blackberry has announced long back that they would be opening up their BBM platform to other systems such ...