3D-modeling of characters has application in many areas. Let’s look at the colorful examples.
- PC and Flash games
Probably the main usage of character 3D models is in creating game heroes – from large desktops to PCs or consoles to online games or for mobile devices.
Characters of all the most famous games are made using 3D modeling and animation. Among them, the heroes of Call of Duty, Wiedźmin (Witcher), Fallout, Portal, Assassin’s Creed, Resident Evil, The Legend of Zelda, Battlefield, Mass Effect, Far Cry, Prince of Persia, Deus Ex, Diablo.

Old school game Rayman went from a 2D platformer in 1995 to the version of Rayman Origins – 3D games with bright graphics in 2013. The main character Rayman in his 3D version extends the boundaries of freedom of action, supplementing the gameplay with new experiences.

- Cinema
3D modeling has become an integral part of the cinema – movies and cartoons are full of 3D characters. Sometimes this is a completely hand-modeled figure, which is animated with special software. In other cases, the 3D model receives “motion” thanks to the motion capture technology (motion capture of a living person). 3D-models of characters have also become very popular when creating animated cartoons, simplifying the management of characters, making them more flexible and mobile.

When creating 3D characters for movies, powerful equipment is used. For example, on an ordinary computer, rendering of one of the characters of the movie “Planet of the Apes” could take several years.
- Advertising
3D-modeling of the character is also a popular technique in advertising. Many brands order the development of branded characters. The drawback of 2D graphics is that changing the plan requires a new character redraw. With 3D modeling, the character can be shown from different angles, its posture can be changed only by rotating the 3D model in the program. 3D-commercials look brighter and allow you to realize more ideas.
Famous brands constantly use 3D models of characters in their commercials. For their 75th anniversary, M&M’s have released advertisements, where you can see the evolution of their heroes.

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