This is the question that almost every beginner asks, before investing in Search Engine Optimization, or in short, SEO. What is SEO? Why is it useful? Why is so much craze with SEO? In this article, I shall note down all points, that can answer your queries.
First, let me tell a bit about SEO, in case, you are still unaware of this concept. SEO or Search Engine optimization.
What is SEO?
Search Engine Optimization or SEO is a tool or a process that improves the quality as well as quantity of traffic on a particular website. With this, the visibility of the website to users increases. When a user searches something on Google or any such web search engine, he/she generally checks links, in the first three pages of the search results. He/she may look beyond that, but usually people do not have that much energy and time. So the biggest goal of all website owners, business persons or bloggers is to have their website on the any of the first three pages of search results. This is difficult, when there are some hundreds, thousands of websites. SEO helps your website to come closer to the first three search result pages, or may be on the first page, if every parameter is set correct.
Before proceeding further, you must know about two types of website traffic- paid and unpaid. Have a look at the following images:

In the first image, you can see the Ad tag along with every search results. These search results always appear at the top. These are paid results, where the companies pay a hefty amount to have their website at the top of the search result.
The second image shows the results without Ad tags. This implies, the results have come naturally from your search. These search results are natural or organic search results. SEO helps you to improve your organic search results.
A website can be Search Engine Optimized in various ways, either by link placement, or content creation, tweaking with coding, indexing and much more. What you need to ameliorate your search result ranking online is to hire an SEO consultant or a link building agency, who can guide you through the benefits of SEO, and what exactly you need to improve your website visibility. All these add up to make your presence felt, which is important in any business.

Why Should I Invest In SEO?
By now, you must have learnt that SEO is no more optional, but it has become mandatory for any website or business owner who deal online as well. Now, the question is how SEO can shape up your search engine results?
SEO will boost your Brand establishment
Flourishing brand is extremely important in any business. The term branding is used in traditional marketing business, and you might be wondering how branding can be improved by digital tools like SEO? Branding online or offline, is any way the same. SEO requires you to create a credible post which is in concurrence with the needs and interests of the customers. Once, it is done, you have to find ways to spread your word, either by link placement on other websites or social media collaborations, etc. This is a continuous process and a consistence will help you establish your brand online.
A Search engine optimized website will help you earn more traffic
While you are creating a website or a blog, your goal is to earn views from as many possible viewers and earn revenue accordingly. The more viewers you have, the more revenue you earn. This traffic is greatly influenced by search engine optimization. The organic searches have been seen to experience overwhelming improvement after being optimized.
SEO is not a purchase but an investment
There are several SEO services available in your region and you might be confused as what yield you will have if you purchase their service. Remember, SEO is not a purchase. It is an investment that you make for your website to increase its position in search results, earn more viewers and get good revenue from it. People now use the internet for almost everything, from making friends to searching life partners, from searching about educational topics to about nearby restaurants. So, this is a process which is not going to stop. Thus, you can rest your fears aside and indulge in acing the race. With SEO, you can remain in this enormous learning and searching process.
How to Get SEO Service?
There are many agencies and companies. The main role of an SEO company or a link building agency is to flourish your brand by earning more traffics. SEO experts can do that based on the type of website, or business you have. You can also take help of Link building agencies. High quality links also contribute to attract more viewers. If you want to hire link building agency, make it a point to research about the agency you are hiring. The company should have a plan, a link development strategy and transparency in their work.
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