Facebook has launched a new feature called Watch Party. Sometimes, you get notifications from your friend that the friend has hosted a watch party. This Watch Party is a feature in Facebook that enables you to watch any video with your friends or a group you are a member of, in real time. The watch party is so beautifully synchronized that there is simply no lag, and all friends can watch it at the same time, comment it at the same time. Watch party can be hosted in News Feed personally, by a Group or from a Page. To host a watch party from a page, you need to be an admin of the page. In the following tutorial, we shall see, how to host a watch party from News Feed, that is from a personal account.
Steps To Create A Watch Party From Your News Feed On Facebook
First you need to create a new post, just like you update a status. Choose the Watch Party Option.

Next, you have to add videos. Select any video from Saved videos, Live videos, videos you have watched, search or videos that have been suggested to you.

Select a video, and choose Add To Queue option. watchparty3

When the video is finally ready, click on Share button to start hosting the Watch party.

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