Pinterest is quite popular among influencers and bloggers. It is currently a growing community where people showcase their creativity, advertise their content, blogs, etc. The concept of Pinterest is like the different pinned notes on a Bulletin board, Pinning a post is nothing but creating a new post. You can upload image, video, or save other popular pins. These pins are saved on Boards. A board is nothing but the them, under which you can group similar content. For example, if you love to collect photos of babies, or you want to collect babies photos to get idea for baby photoshoot, then you can create a board named “babies”. Under this board, you can save all pins related to babies, children, toddlers, etc.
Now, you may need to change the board names. The process is very simple. New Pinterest users who are still struggling to learn things quickly, here is a quick tip for you!
How To Edit Board Name On Pinterest?
- Open Pinterest App. Go to the Board, which you want to edit. Tap on the three dots, located at the top right corner of the app UI.
- Tap on Edit option to do any kind of editing.
- Now, all the features which can be edit, will be displayed. Tap on the Name field to edit it.
- Enter the new name and tap Done to finalize.
There you go. Check out the screenshots for better understanding.

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