Everybody who has a company in a tiny niche knows how problematic it can be to do SEO. It can happen that your keywords won’t have more than a few hundred searches per month. That’s why it’s so crucial to implement effective strategies that will let people know about your fantastic products or services. Without further ado, below, you will learn how to optimize your website for a small niche.
Brace yourself – it won’t be easy
At the very beginning, – let’s make things clear. A small niche is both an advantage and a disadvantage. You likely don’t have much competition; however, low organic traffic is a problem that is hard to overcome. There are very few people who are searching for your products or services. Also, you might struggle with content ideas, which are, of course, extremely important in digital marketing. Does it mean that you shouldn’t bother, and there’s nothing you can do? Of course not! There’s plenty of room for improvement, and you can always do something better.
Technical elements
Certain areas are always important, no matter whether your niche is small or big. You might want to do SEO rank reporting, and identify things that can be improved on your website. On-page elements are essential because Google wants to provide the best user experience possible. You can’t rank high if your website performance is just bad. Speed is a no-brainer, and you have to make sure that the website loads quickly. It will decrease the bounce rate and improve the conversions rate.
Also, make sure that your content is understandable for search engines. Pay attention to technical elements, add title tags, meta descriptions, and make sure that correct headings are being used. Your pages should be indexed because if they are not, your website is pretty much invisible. Besides, take care of links – check if they are not broken, and if they are then get rid of them.
Low search volume
This is the second problem that you have to overcome. Search volume is a number that tells you how many searches for a specific keyword there were. Now, this isn’t a problem for big niches that have tens or even hundreds of thousands of searches. But, the keywords you’re ranking for, aren’t as popular. You can find the information about it in Google AdWords in “get search volume data and trends.” It might even happen that your keywords are too niche for Google. Some keywords are ineligible for search engines because they are too specific, unusual, or not relevant to people’s searches.
Keyword research
A very important factor that you can’t neglect when your business is in a small niche. You have to research keywords and find those that are the easiest to rank for. Unfortunately, this process seems to be easy only at the beginning. Once you start doing this, problems and difficulties arise. It’s a common mistake of many beginners – they are ranking for keywords that are too specific. As a result, people won’t ever find out about them, and all their effort is not worth it in such a case. Use keyword planner, in order to find out whether keywords that you want to use are worth it. What you have to do in a situation when your keywords are too specific? The answer is simple – generalize. Try to find keywords that describe your products differently, and have more search volume.
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Obviously, you have to consider keywords competition as well – there are commonly used phrases that are hard to rank for. You can try to do it, and get rewarded for it greatly if you succeed; however, it’s very unlikely. You’d have to put a lot of effort and create hundreds of pieces of content. It’s a much better idea to look for keywords with the reasonable competition, that have higher search traffic than your current ones. In order to do it, you have to research carefully and be creative.
Provide good quality and helpful content
Now, this has been said a million times, but well, it’s true. Content is a king, and you have to somehow attract and encourage visitors to come back to your website for more. That’s why you should spend a lot of time describing why your products or services are good, and how they can benefit their users. However, do everything to make it as attractive as you can. Avoid banality, and spammy, not useful content. Before you publish something, imagine that you are a customer, and then think if that content is helpful and resolve your doubts. If the answer is yes, you’re doing a good job!
Optimizing websites for a small niche is more challenging, but can be done if you put in more work. First of all, take care of the technical aspect and make sure that your website is working flawlessly. Once you do it, defeat low search volume problem – do keyword research and find some, where it’s possible to compete and get more organic traffic. Good luck!
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