Have you ever read wonderful hotel reviews and then end up finding something really awful? There are many travel operators and websites which are globally acclaimed, authorized and maintain definite standards but there numbers are few compared to the number of traveling agencies available worldwide. Many of them are misleading and provides hotel reviews that are biased and deceptive. So how to understand if the hotel reviews are genuine or biased? Common sense says to trust the ones that come from authorized and famous websites and another one is this web app called Review Skeptic. Review Skeptic is a very useful utility web app that helps you check the credibility of any hotel review and help you make a proper decision.
Review Skeptic is based on research at Cornell University that uses machine learning to identify fake hotel reviews with nearly 90% accuracy. Learn more about the research at the Cornell Chronicle and the New York Times.
In this article I have tested some hotel reviews written by me on trip Advisor which are 100% genuine. I penned down my experiences during my vacation. Go to the website link given at the bottom of the article. Then copy and paste a hotel review in the space provided. Now click Test It.
If the review you will get the result Truthful. It will also indicate which words are genuine and which words look deceiving.
If you know a review is fake or genuine but still wants to check it, then you can tap the optional menu (Real or Fake) to help them improve their database.
Source: Review Skeptic
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