Professional certifications have become an important part of the society now. When the companies all over are looking for highly trained up candidates, these certifications attached to the resume is an evidence to prove the professional approach of the candidates. The reason why more number of candidates are taking up such training courses is because most of the renowned and big brands prefer to have candidates who are knowledgeable, experienced and also who are certified in different training programs.
But another thing that has to be noticed here is that is the certification and the performance of the professional is actually matching. There have been a number of instances noticed where the candidates have gained a good amount of knowledge from the certification course but it is still not reflected in his or her performance. Why is it so? One of the prime reasons can be selection of the wrong certification program by the candidates.
When it is about the ITIL program, a high number of candidates are seen to approach for the training. But it is very much important to know whether it can be helpful for the candidates or not. Here, there are a few of the points that can help in knowing whether it is worth to invest time for the training program and invest in the ITIL certification cost.
Working Of The ITIL Certification
There are five different stages of the ITIL certification and these are foundation, intermediate, practitioner, master level, and expert level. There are basic eligibility criterions to start up with the certification course at the foundation level. On completion of each level, credits are awarded to the candidates and these credits are helpful for the candidates further to get the next level in ITIL. There are also a number of other complimentary certifications that are helpful for the candidates in getting the ITIL expert level certification.
ITIL Certification And Success
Getting a certification for a particular program is not a very difficult thing today. You need to get enrolled in the training program, study for it, appear for the exam and then pass it to get the certification. But is it always necessary that the person who has got a certification in the training program has become a genius in that particular field? It is not mandatory always that after you have studied and cracked the exam; you have got through the full knowledge that can be used in the practical situations.
ITIL program is much different in this case. The certification course does not train the candidates in a particular field. It is mainly a set of principles that has to be followed during the working process. These principles are quite descriptive in nature and can be understood conveniently. So, all what the candidates need to do is to understand the ITIL principles so that it can be used in the IT field operation. This is the reason a number of IT companies today have made this mandatory for the candidates to be at least certified in ITIL practitioner level.
Basically, it can be said that the training program offers the candidates to understand and know the ITIL framework. This makes the candidates aware of the basic knowledge about IT such as different concepts, vocabulary, goals, processes, and many others. Organizations across the world wish to have candidates with certifications such as that of ITIL for this simple reason that they have a basic and a strong knowledge about IT and the framework of IT service management. Having the basic knowledge helps in the better understanding of the field and hence offering efficient results each time.
One of the most important benefits of adopting ITIL is that it offers a common language for all. Stakeholders, and other people involved speak the same language when ITIL is adopted. Not just within a country but even worldwide, ITIL is quite renowned and hence having a common language smoothens up things to quite an extent.
ITIL Certification And Experience
It has been found out that out of the people who have undergone the training program of ITIL, only a small percentage is capable of measuring cost, risks, and other elements for the impact. This is one of the major reasons of why maximum of the companies that has adopted ITIL is not able to come up with the desired result.
Candidates are certified in the program and are quite learned too but they lack practical knowledge. This is the reason getting the ITIL practitioner level is suggested by many of the firms. The level offers both theoretical as well as practical approach so that the candidates not only speak in the language of ITIL but also is capable of making use of the terms in the practical work field.
The new update that many of the people are waiting for is the introduction of the ITIL 4 that got released in the first quarter of 2019. It has been stated that the ITIL 4 will have all the features that are there in ITIL v3, in addition to some extra points such as culture, and adaption, and many others.
A big question that has raised is that whether ITIL V3 will be valid after ITIL 4 or not. Though the ITIL V3 certification is still valid but there are some ways that can surely affect the candidates of the older version. Also, in order to get the ITIL 4 from ITIL V3, there will be some transitions that the candidates may come across.
After the foundation level of ITIL 4, other levels are yet to come up in the second half of the year 2019. Some of the new things that ITIL 4 is bringing are ITIL managing professional, ITIL strategic leader, and so on. It is yet to be seen whether the ITIL 4 is going to change the older version completely or both of them will go through a parallel path.
The question was whether ITIL is worth the money and time or not. In the above sections, many of the points have explained clearly that how ITIL is different than any other certification courses in the market as of now. But the point is that whether it is helpful for the candidates or not.
The certification course is surely helpful but with a proper experience. Having a knowledge about the ITIL principles but not understanding the properly will land you nowhere. It is important for you to understand the practical usage of these principles if you really wish to know about the principles in a proper way. The practitioner level has a lot of practical sessions that is quite helpful for the candidates to understand how the concepts can be utilized in the practical field and hence the view is much clearer. Also the practice sessions will help the candidates get motivated and will help them to gain more confidence in the field so that they can go ahead and make use of the right point at the right place.
It has been seen that in many of the interviews, the candidates are filtered on basis of the certifications in the initial stage. Later on these candidates are asked questions about the basic knowledge and also it is been checked whether they have a practical knowledge of these basics or not. Hence, it is very much important that the candidates should also have an experience along with the training program.
It is a great idea to start up the ITIL program from the initial stage. But the rule is that you should not stop at one level. You should upgrade yourself and the practitioner level is the one where you will get exposed to the practicalities of the ITIL principles. So, if the question has to be answered, it can be said that ITIL training program certification is highly useful if the candidate has reached out to the practitioner level or the candidate has an experience in the field along with the certification.
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