Sources from Apple confirmed that its iCloud Photo Library will be available to all its users starting next week via an update to the iOS 8. The operating system update will also include Camera Roll which it released last month. ...
Fight over patent and license is an age old issue between big companies and when the companies are humongous like Samsung, Microsoft, Google or Apple, the amount of royalty claimed makes us awestruck. We have always been inquisitive about the ...
Steve Jobs introduced the iPhone to the world on January 9th, 2007, and it is considered as one of the most iconic evolution in mobile industry. Over years since then, the iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch have literally redefined the ...
If you are a developer then having access to the source code is indispensable. Now you can break some sweat to manipulate the java scripts and favorites or just download View Source for iOS and relax. It’s a new iOS ...
Even when Microsoft has removed support from Windows XP, Apple is still using this decade old version of Windows operating system and not OS X. Apple has been held at gunpoint of sarcasm and severely vituperated for iPhone 6 Plus ...
Apple has been in the news for all great reasons starting from Apple iPhone 6, the large screen iPhone 6 Plus, Apple Watch to the new updated version of Apple’s mobile operating system the iOS 8. However Apple has been ...
Just within a week of its launch, iPhone 6 has been constantly been in news. First for maximum sell in the first day of launch. Then it made history by touching 10 million mark of sell in just a span ...
“Sales for iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus exceeded our expectations for the launch weekend, and we couldn’t be happier, We would like to thank all of our customers for making this our best launch ever, shattering all previous sell-through ...
Yesterday we published a news which raised a question on iOS 8 and claimed that iOS 8 is not safe. The news said that iOS 8 will give access to police or US spy agencies and stalking will be an ...
Ahead of the launch of iOS 8 on September 17th, Apple has seeded the Golden Master (GM) version of iOS 8 to developers. The Golden Master is the final version of the operating system to be released today in public. ...
After Apple sued the Korean based company, Samsung now it is their turn to do the same with Apple. The rivalry between the biggies have taken a new turn when Samsung accused Apple of imitating its Galaxy note which was ...
With the launch of iPhone 6 and 6 Plus in Cupertino on September 9th, there have been rounds of comparisons going on as to which one is better: the iPhone or the Android. There have been many surveys done since ...
After the scandal involving celebrities’ photos being hacked from iCloud, Apple has added more security features to iCloud. Now if your iCloud account is being accessed on the web by you or somebody else Apple will send you email notifications ...
On September 9th, the iWatch by Apple is going to be officially unveiled. Yet another device will be added to Apple’s range of product. The release should happen either at Q4 or early next year. It is surely going to ...
Apple’s virtual assistant Siri was long dominating the market until it has got a rival from the software giant, Microsoft, i.e., Cortana. In some of the researches done by Microsoft, it has picked up various fields in which Cortana outsmarts ...
When the phone is iPhone 6, then even rumors seem exciting. We have already informed you that Apple has called for a press event to be held on September 9 of this month. News speculating says that Apple might showcase ...
Apple has called for a press meet on 9th September 2014 and in this intermediate phase a lot of speculations are being done on the purpose of the event. It’s rumored that Apple is planning to launch two of its ...
Till now we have informed you about all the leaked information on iPhone 6 that were available to us. The display size is rumored to be revamped to 4.7 inches. As far as news say, iPhone 6 will come in ...
Apple has been particular in maintaining privacy about the iWatch and none could peer through the walls. But now a strong source has managed to gather information that Apple iWatch is going to make its first Public appearance on September ...
It is an unbelievable fact that we came across about Apple that its famous messaging client iMessage is responsible for 30 per cent of the overall mobile spams that are being transmitted. Tom Landesman of Cloudmark, a security and anti-spamming ...