As I mentioned in the previous post, I started working on my own and from my own home. This new situation also means there are new needs when working and new tools that will be useful every day in my job.
As you might have imagined if you are usual readers of this blog, my work is highly linked to Web Development and Online Marketing, to explain it briefly. Therefore, using the Internet is a constant need each day because I use it as a communication channel and as an essential tool to perform each of the tasks that I carry out each day.

However, there are other tools as important as the Internet, like the keyboard on which I am typing right now and the screen on which I see every word displayed on the WordPress entry editor that I am using. So, I would be basically doing nothing if I did not have a device such as the computer.
I currently own a laptop, specifically a 13-inch Aluminum MacBook that I have been using since I bought it in 2009. Up until now, I have been nothing but happy with it.
I have used several OS for the past few years, from Windows 98, which I think was the first Microsoft OS that I used, to Windows 8. Also, I have used several Linux distributions, although Ubuntu has been by far the one I have invested the most time in. However, I think Mac OS X is the best tool to work with since I used it in the professional environment I work in.
I do not underestimate the power Linux has to offer on any type of device, and it is remarkable how much the company has improved over the last decade, especially regarding its users. In fact, Linux would be my main choice for non-Apple devices, and I would choose it as my preferred OS. However, Apple’s OS takes the lead in some specific work environments, which is something everybody needs to take advantage of.
In any case, it is now time for me to upgrade my computer, so I want to take this opportunity to give you some advice that helped me make the right decision in terms of choosing a computer.
In this case, we will start by talking about mobility. As I work from home and not in an office, I want to be able to move anywhere with my computer if I need to either because I have to meet a client or because the circumstances require me to work somewhere else other than over my usual desktop. Therefore, having a laptop is essential for me in this sense. This means that I would be focused exclusively on laptops when discussing the topics below.
In this article, I will give you some tips that would make it easier for you to find and choose a laptop. We will pay attention to specifications by taking into account the type of job you will be doing with the device. I will even recommend you some coupon websites where you can find discounts for the time you buy your computer.
Tips for choosing and buying a laptop
The important thing when choosing an OS is to go for one that is updated and that you are familiar with.
Maybe you want to experiment, but I think it is better for you to try it beforehand to see if you feel comfortable with it. If you are a Windows user, you can surely find someone who can lend you a Linux or Mac OS laptop for a few days. You might even use a virtual machine on your own current computer to emulate the experience of using other systems.
The same thing happens if you are used to any other OS. Before buying any of them, give them a try.
There is a debate about whether to choose a 13-inch or a 15-inch laptop. There are even those people who go for other sizes, although I think I would reduce my options to just these two.
In my case, I am writing on a 13-inch laptop, although my next laptop would probably be a 15-inch one. The reason for this is that, after testing a larger display size, I think the experience and the work output would be improved. Besides, I do not lose mobility even if the screen is larger.
In any case, if you are looking for better productivity like me, I would recommend buying one or two extra monitors for your usual desktop setup. If it is your first time, you may feel a little weird the first day. However, you will see how everything goes smoothly from the second day onward, as you will be able to save some time on the somewhat repetitive tasks by the end of the day.
If you are constantly moving around or if the only thing you are interested in is your laptop’s performance capabilities, maybe a 13-inch laptop would suit you better, although this is a decision that you should make based on your own needs.
If you basically need just to browse the web and edit texts, it would be unnecessary to go for more than 8 GB of RAM memory. You should not need more than that processing capacity to get great results.
However, if you are thinking about editing high-resolution images, audio and video, you should not go for anything less than 16 GB of RAM memory because it might not be enough. That is, your computer will work, but the processes will not be as fast as they would if you had more capacity.
There are also other aspects to take into account like the CPU processing capacity, but in this case we are trying not to be too technical. Given the simple elements that we are showing you, I think you will have enough options to choose from, leaving aside a lot of computers that you might have thought about buying.
Storage capacity
The storage capacity is also something that you should take into account. In this case, the situation is similar to that of the RAM memory in the previous bullet point.
You will need either more or less storage capacity depending on the professional environment you are in. If you plan to dedicate yourself to video editing, you should think about having a lot of GB or even TB of storage capacity because you could run out of space on your computer by just having to perform a couple of demanding editing tasks simultaneously.
You might not have to think much about storage for other type of tasks, although you should think about having an external hard drive or a NAS server to create the usual backup files of all your data and projects, so you will always have a backup for everything. You might even free up space on your computer by moving accomplished tasks to the external drive.
Lastly, the price is also something to bear in mind. If you have a computer in mind and had gotten to that point, it is clear that you should not change it for another just because the price is lower. Think about it as a long-term investment. Although you have to spend a large amount of money today, the hours using the computer will cover its cost.
Anyway, there are several alternatives that you can take into account to buy a specific model of a specific range but at a more affordable price. For example, a lot of online stores or big retailers launch specific sales of certain computers. If your choice is one that is on sale, then it is a good opportunity to buy it at a lower price.
There are also many websites that offer you discount coupons for items such as laptops. For example, you can find discount coupons to buy computers on the HP Store for 3% off, which is a lot if the computer’s price is high.
Sometimes we can see that some brands or well-known stores offer the same model but refurbished. This means that it is not a completely new computer, but it has been repaired and put back into operation with the same warranty as the original. It cannot be sold as new, hence the term refurbished. However, the product is exactly the same, even wrapped up again as if it was new.
Here we recommend two article: best laptops under 500$ and best gaming laptop under $1000, if you want to buy a new laptop or gaming laptop now, It will be very helpful to you:
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