![trusted News Chrome Extension To Know If The News You Are Reading Is Fake Or Not](https://img.techentice.com/media/2019/01/trusted-news.jpg)
The biggest disaster on social media is undoubtedly the fake news or say, rumors. Rumors spread like wildfire on social media and people help to spread them without even clarifying the truth. There have been political wrath, communal riots, all because of fake news, mishandled content. Now social media platforms are all enthusiastically installing special artificial intelligence mode to recognize fake news and remove them. Facebook is taking strong actions against the spread of rumors and fake news. Twitter, YouTube and all other platforms are doing the same. Strange URLs from strange website names are the ones that supply the extra dose of lies and rumors.
A company called Eyeo behind AdBlock Plus has pledged to combat this dark sides of fake news with a new Chrome browser extension called TrustedNews.
Trusted News classifies the web content in several categories as listed below
Trustworthy (GREEN TICK). This website publishes content based on facts and/or factual events and is therefore deemed trustworthy.
Unknown (GRAY DASH). We cannot accurately evaluate the content on this website due to insufficient data.
Satire (BLUE SMILEY). This website publishes satirical content and is not intended as a source of actual news.
Untrustworthy (RED EXCLAMATION MARK). This website knowingly publishes false and/or misleading information and is therefore deemed untrustworthy.
Biased (ORANGE SCALE). This website contains politically biased content or promotes unproven or skewed views.
Clickbait (RED BULLSEYE). This website knowingly uses misleading headings or article titles to attract readers in an effort to increase traffic and revenue.
User-generated content (GRAY ‘U’). This page contains content created by third-party, often unpaid, contributors.
Malicious (RED ‘X’). This website knowingly distributes threats to your computer like malware, phishing, viruses, spyware, etc.
Installing the extension is extremely easy. Go to https://trusted-news.com/. Click om Get Trusted News for Chrome. This will take you to the Chrome extension download page. Click on Add To Chrome and keep using it.
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