Dedicated hosting allows you to lease a complete server of your required configurations for your website or web application. The advantage of dedicated servers over shared hosting servers is that you do not need to share your network and resources with others. This independence gives you full control over the server and the client can choose the hardware, operating systems, security and other specifications based on their needs. Usually, dedicated servers are used by websites or web apps that have a commendable amount of traffic per day. For example, websites that have an average of millions of hits per day. So, if you are thinking about getting dedicated servers for your website, you must remember only if your website has reached that point when it gets huge daily traffic, it is feasible to have dedicated server for your website.
If the clients want, they can do virtual hosting, provided, they agree with the specific plan from the server provider. When you rent a dedicated server, you are given a stipulated amount of bandwidth, hard disk space, amount of gigabytes of data per month, etc. In this article, we shall discuss in brief about the advantages of using dedicated servers for your website.
Advantages Of Using A Dedicated Server For Your Website
A dedicated server gives you full control over the server and you can choose on the hardware and software specifications such as CPU, RAM, disk space, operating systems etc. You customize all these parameters based on your requirements.
Unique IP Address
With dedicated servers, you do not have to share it with any other client. Thus, you can have your unique IP address. Websites hosted on a shared server have the same IP address. So, the performance of one website does affect indirectly the ranking and health of other websites. A simple example is a website getting blacklisted. If a website on a shared server gets blacklisted, all other websites having the same IP addresses will get affected in terms of their ranking. So, unique IP address is one big advantage of dedicated server over shared servers.
VPS hosting and few shared hosting providers also support assigning of unique IP addresses with additional cost.
Compact Security
By definition of dedicated server, it is clear that it is only your website who will use that server. So, there is no question of any third party interference and thus no one else can access your server. This is an extremely important feature for any website. If you are dealing with any service through your websites that might require monetary transactions, then it is always recommended that you get dedicated servers for your website. With such servers, you can use firewall security settings that will leverage the credibility of your website from security point of view. As mentioned here, websites deploying monetary transactions must have dedicated servers. The point can be emphasized by the fact that often dedicated servers come with Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard compliance which is inevitably important for card payment facilities.
Dedicated server packages enjoy the privilege of uninterrupted maintenance and troubleshoot support. Your business company does not need to spend a huge amount in maintaining functions like security maintenance, anti-virus protections, local server upgrades, etc.
Thus, you can understand that dedicated servers have huge benefits over shared servers but your expenditure must be cost effective. Such servers are the biggest choice of e-commerce, banking services because dedicated servers not only have the expertise to regulate huge traffics but also provide security and flexibility.
Hence, analyze your business needs and if required, you may want to look out for cheap dedicated servers and make your decision wisely.
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