Beginning of 2021 marked the 20th anniversary of RuneScape, therefore OldSchool RuneScape received an update on 6th of January called the 20th Anniversary event. The event is about helping a Gnome child, who had been summoned by Wizard Grayzag on accident, to return to the Realm of Memories. Throughout the duration of the event, multiple cities of Gielinor will receive decorations in their city centers such as lines of flags, boxes of fireworks and banners showing number 20 all in celebration to the anniversary.
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20th Anniversary event walkthrough
In order to start the event players have to speak to Wizard Grayzag in the Wizards’ Tower. The wizard will ask of you to do to a quest for him. He wants to expand his imp army with more demons like the one he caged next to him. He attempted this himself, however in his attempts he accidentally created a portal to the Realm of Memories instead of a time travelling portal, which resulted the Gnome child appearing in Gielinor. Players have to speak with the Gnome child who needs the artifacts of RuneScape’s history, and you to be his guide. Keep in mind that if you move too far away from the featured locations of this event, the gnome child will return to the Wizard’s Tower, but the event progress will be saved. In that case, players should return to the Wizard’s tower in order to get the Gnome child back. To avoid losing the Gnome Child simply stay on the ground floor within the circle of the Wizard’s Tower, the Falador farm, the Draynor Manor, and the Lumbridge Castle. Additionally, do not engage in random events, use minigame teleports, or teleport to your player house. To start things off, he will task the player to go to the Wise Old Man to get the Blue partyhat. Once you get to the Draynor Village, you and the gnome will have to convince the Wise Old Man, by referring to the time changing since he stole it in the Draynor Bank Robbery, to give you the Blue Partyhat. He will eventually agree claiming that he has plenty of spares anyway. Afterwards, the Gnome child instructs the player to find Hans near the Lumbridge Castle in order to obtain the navigational chart. Hans won’t put much of a fight and will hand it over to the player with ease. Since near Lumbridge Castle, the player has to visit the Cook and ask him for his recipe book. The cook will complain about not having the Grand Exchange in Lumbridge, his food burning and other inconveniences but will eventually hand over the recipe book because he knows its contents by heart. Interestingly enough, the Cook never successfully baked a cake in his life. The next stop is Bob in his axe shop. The player has to ask Bob for his autograph, but soon finds out that Bob does not like anything not human. Then the Gnome child starts to praise Bob for his heroic deeds such as defeating the Dragonkin, confusing the axe salesman with Bob the Jagex Cat. If players try to convince the child that he confused two Bobs, the gnome will start talking about a conspiracy theory and how can there be two Bobs. No matter the dialog the gnome will still ask for an autograph resulting Bob to sign two flyers: one for the Gnome child and one for the player. Moving on, the child will task the player to go to the Fred the Farmer’s sheep pen to deal with The Thing. The Thing is not there, but it is connected with the Cold War questline, meaning that there is history here and even a fake sheep. The Gnome child requires from the player to shear sheep for wool. Attempting to shear the fake sheep will make it flee from the player and the child. The next piece necessary for the Gnome child to return to the Realm of Memories is a feather from Ernest, but from the time when he was a chicken. Players have to visit the Draynor Manor and go up two sets of stairs to the eastern room in order to take “odd feathers” lying next to the strange machine or by plucking the chicken if the Ernest the Chicken quest is not yet completed. The next artifact necessary is a cabbage from the Falador cabbage patch. The Gnome child needs this one because the cabbage is known to be a “wondrous source of brassican goodness”. Once players pick a certain cabbage then the Gnome will task them to return to the Wizard’s Tower to complete reopening the portal to the Realm of Memories. After finishing the dialogue with the Gnome, he will chant on a mysterious language while opening the portal. After the portal is opened, the player can enter the portal and they will be greeted with the Gnome child who will then give the player event rewards. These rewards are 20th anniversary outfit, Gnome child mask and icon, 2 noted Half full wine jug, Museum Medley music track and all previous birthday event rewards. If players look around the realm, they will be able to see old graphics of monsters from the early days of RuneScape 2.
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